ENSO 非日常を日常に落とし込むマスクケースのコンセプト

Red Dot award 2020 Best of the Best

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マスクケース Enso

2020年。世界は大きく変わり、マスクを常に身につける日々が始まりました。Ensoは、そんな “非日常”を少しでも“日常” に溶け込ませるためのマスクケースです。


マスクを常に身につけなければいけない “非日常” の中で、少しでもカジュアルで自由な “日常” を感じてもらえたら幸いです。

The world has completely changed in 2020. We now wear masks every day just like how we wear T-shirts – the‘unusual’ masks are now our ‘usual’. Enso seeks to support this change by blending both ‘unusual’ and ‘usual’into an elegant solution for everyday surgical mask transport and storage.

The container is designed to be worn on the wrist and can also be used as a chic interior product. Its shape is inspired by the ‘enso’, a calligraphic circle drawn in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create. Its meaning in Japanese Zen calligraphy can be interpreted as a ‘flawless infinity’ or even the universe itself – it is all up to the person. Similarly, Enso’s use depends on the user’s interpretation.

While Enso is most certainly a mask container, its multiple uses gives people freedom and comfort that’s lacking during these uncertain times.


Team Lead : Yui Muguruma

Design Lead : Hajime Nemoto

Designers : Masaki Fukushima, Ryosuke Sasaki